Monday, December 22, 2008

Wildlights at the Columbus Zoo

We took the kids to see the lights at the zoo. How lucky we are to have such a great zoo so close to home. Here Brenna and Braeden are indoors watching the models trains. What a great exibit especially for boys Braeden's age.
After checking out the trains they decided to ice cookies with Mrs. Claus. Braeden iced a Christmas Tree and Brenna iced a Star.

The lights at the zoo this year were more fantastic than ever...this year they moved to all LED lights. These lights not only save on energy, but they are so much brighter that normal lights. Also, the lights this year were set up to music! I think the zoo did a show to about 4 christmas songs, pretty cool!

What is a trip to the zoo without riding the carousel?
.....This gave a chance to warm up too! Brrrrrrr


Tag! You're it!
My friend Carrie tagged me.

Picture Tag..
The object of picture tag its to...

1. Choose the 4th folder on your computer where you keep/store your pictures.
2. Select the 4th picture in the folder
3. Explain the picture
4. Tag 4 people to do the same

No cheating (cropping, editing, etc)
Here is mine....

This is Brenna at Red, White, and Boom in downtown Columbus on July 3rd, 2001. In this picture Brenna would be 2 years and 8 months old! We go downtown every year to see the fireworks. I have a picture of her every year since she was born in her red, white, and blue! This picture makes me so sad, I miss this age! Hey, that makes me realize that I would have only been 25! I miss that age too!
1. Kayla
2. Traylene
3. Jenny
4. Kady
(These are they only bloggers I know besides Carrie, who sent this to me :-))
Have fun!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Breakfast with Santa

On December 13th went had Breakfast with Santa at Brenna's school.
Braeden and Kadan are posing for a picture with the school mascot dressed in a Santa outfit. I thought it was kinda creepy, but the kids had fun trying to pull of it's head!

Brenna and her friend Addie pose in front of the Letters for Santa box that Brenna and I made for the event.
Check out Brenna catching her breakfast! Chris's cakes, which makes the pancakes for the event, tosses each pancake for you to catch, or in many cases....drop :-)

Going to see Santa

We visited Santa this year at Tuttle Mall. The kids were so excited to tell Santa that all they want this year is the Nintendo Wii and a Trampoline! They decided since there was two of them, they would each ask for just one of the things. That way Santa would have to get them both. Sneaky aren't they.....

Putting up the Christmas Tree

Well, I wish we could say that we traveled many, many miles and walked through many feet of snow to pick out the perfect Christmas tree, but I can't. Again, we put up what we think is the perfect tree. Our little fake tree. The kids love to help put it together piece by piece. A family traditon. This year cousin Elizabeth was here to help put up the tree.

They all had a great time decorating the tree and the house.

Every year Brenna is lifted to the top to place the Angel on the tree. This is the very last thing that is done before we turn on the tree lights. This year Braeden wanted to put the angel on the top, but he instead choose to be the one who could turn off the lights when the tree was turned on..more dramatic and fun for him :-)


We have so much to be Thankful for. It is so nice to get together with family. Here is a picture of all the cousins (the boys were playing video games most of the day :-))
Left to Right: Braeden, Joshlyn, Madison, Brenna, Dilan, Cameren, and Kadan

Mommy and Brenna. My baby is getting so big.


Brenna and Braeden wanted to help cook this year. They helped to make the stuffing we bring every year to grandmas!
Who wouldn't love to mix all the ingredients with your hands. The messier the better!

After we were all done, Braeden asked to help wash dishes. YES, I said it. Braeden wanted to help wash dishes. :-) It is funny how something you may hate to do can be so enjoyable when you do it with your kids.